Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day 8 – North across the Drake

Drake Passage/South Atlantic Ocean
12 Dec 2008

I had a good rest, though I woke repeatedly because of the rolling of the ship.

We have a leisurely breakfast (meals are better attended on the way back north across the Passage), followed by lectures and movies. These feel like distractions, rather than an integral part of the trip, created by the staff to keep us from getting bored and annoyed by the 2+ days of rolling travel through the open ocean.

Life aboard a small vessel is beginning to get to me. The control over my time that the crew and staff have is part of the reason I generally avoid any kind of tour or group activities. On board a small ocean-going vessel, the control is necessarily strong. When and what you eat, what you can do with your time, even when you can sleep. If the P.A. blasts announcements at 6AM, well, you wake up at 6AM. Though this doesn’t happen this morning, since there is no urgency in waking up today.

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